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Glossary > Chatbot


What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer program designed to interact with users in a conversational manner, typically through text-based communication. It uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand user inputs and generate appropriate responses. Chatbots can be used for various purposes such as customer support, information retrieval, task automation, and entertainment. They are often integrated into messaging platforms, websites, or mobile applications to provide personalized and efficient user experiences.

What are the benefits of a Chatbot?

Chatbots provide several benefits, including 24/7 availability, scalability, cost savings, improved efficiency, personalization, increased customer engagement, and data collection and analysis. They offer round-the-clock support, handle multiple conversations simultaneously, and automate repetitive tasks, saving costs and improving efficiency. Advanced chatbots can personalize interactions, engage users in a natural way, and collect valuable data for analysis. Overall, chatbots are a valuable tool for businesses to enhance customer experiences and make data-driven decisions.

What can Bitrise do?

Bitrise can automate build processes, testing, code signing, and dependency management, ensuring efficient and consistent app delivery. With custom workflows, integrations with third-party tools, and support for parallel execution, Bitrise streamlines development pipelines.

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